
101 Food and Drink Quiz Questions with Answers: Test Your Food Trivia

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Looking for a smorgasbord of food and drink quiz questions? Grab a napkin and some cutlery and pull up a chair. After all, they can take away our travel but they can’t take away our food trivia. Let the food and drink pub quiz commence!

Perfect food and drink quiz with answers - fun food trivia questions cover image

101 Food and Drink Questions: The Unusual Food Trivia Quiz

First up, a few wise words. There are a lot of food and drink questions in this quiz. Over 101 in fact. Please don’t feel like you have to answer them all at once. I don’t want to cause indigestion.

As you’ll see, they’re separated into batches of ten food quiz questions followed by ten food quiz answers. In other words, easily digestible chunks.

So, get ready to test your knowledge with these food trivia questions.

Bon appetit!

Food and drink quiz questions - woman in Borneo - round the world food questions - outdoor food platter
How much do you really know about food?

Round One: Unusual Food and Drink Questions

1) What is pericana alcoyana?

2) What time of day would you typically eat kesari bath?

3) French villages often have baguette rotas. True or false?

4) What colours do you typically buy mojo in?

5) What does leaving two chopsticks standing out of a bowl of rice signify?

6) What is greissnockerlsuppe?

7) What is spanakopita?

8) How about bara brith?

9) Where can you find purple potato ice cream?

10) What is jota?

Answers: 1) A spicy blend of choricero peppers, dried salted cod and garlic from Valencia. 2) In the morning for breakfast. It’s one of the traditional foods you’d find in Mysore in south India. 3) True. Just like pharmacies have dedicated rotas to cover weekends and bank holidays, so do many bakeries in France. 4) Green and red. They’re a condiment made from peppers and garlic and popular in the Canary Islands. 5) Death. It’s a common practice at funerals in Japan and considered very bad manners to do at any other time. 6) Soup with semolina dumplings. You’ll find it across Austria. 7) A greek spinach and feta fine pastry pie. 9) It’s a mix between a loaf of bread and a fruit cake and is a traditional food found in Wales. The tranlsation is “speckled bread.” 9) In Okinawa, in southern Japan. People here have the longest life expectancy on earth and credit their good fortune to the Okinawa diet. 10) A pork, bean and cabbage soup found in Slovenia and around.

Food and drink trivia questions - long table in Graz
Now that’s what I call a dinner party!

Round Two: Festivals & Fun

1) What would you find at a Buschenschank?

2) Which country invented gazpacho?

3) If you were standing in Cafe du Monde, which city would you be in?

4) Which pastry product boils the dough first?

5) Which drink does Oktoberfest celebrate?

6) Which food product does the Tomatina festival involve?

7) In which country would you find a Tim Tam Slam.

8) Where does ugali come from?

9) If you were tucking into a Melton Mowbray, which country would you be in?

10) What’s the main ingredient of an asado in Argentina?

Answers: 1) Traditional Austrian produce like cold meats, salads and bread. 2) Spain. 3) New Orleans. 4) Bagels. 5) Beer. 6) Rancid tomatoes, pelted at participants. 7) Australia. It involves dunking a Tim Tam biscuit into a tea or coffee and sucking the contents out. 8) Ugali is a maize product found in several parts of Africa, particularly along the east. 9) It’s a pork pie and you would be in England. 10) Meat, it’s a kind of barbecue and national pastime.

Food and drink quiz questions - woman in Borneo - round the world food questions - mint tea in the Middle East
Anyone for tea?

Round Three: Drinks

1) Where can you find the original Singapore Sling?

2) What spice do you find in Arabic coffee?

3) What will you find in a Tinto de Verano?

4) What makes up a painkiller cocktail?

5) What special technique do you need to pour Asturian cider?

6) What is a ginlet?

7) What extra ingredient did bootleggers add to the coffee in New Orleans?

8) What drink is known by the nickname the “green fairy?”

9) What is the main difference between cava, prosecco and champagne?

10) What drink comes with a worm?

Answers: 1) Singapore. It’s not a trick question. But for extra points, it’s the Long Bar at the Raffles Hotel. 2) Cardamom. The Bedouin serve it with its own rituals. 3) Red wine and Sprite or Fanta. It’s popular in southern Spain. 4) Orange juice, nutmeg and rum. It’s popular in the British Virgin Islands. 5) To pour the cider from a great height. You also need to drink the cider quickly before the bubbles disappear. 6) A thimbleful of gin used to start the day on the island of Menorca. Read more about Menorcan gin here. 7) Chicory. This was used to boost supplies when the coffee ran low. 8) Absinthe. It’s particularly linked to Bohemian Paris. 9) The region in which they are produced. 10) Trick question. The popular answer is tequila but it’s not a worm. It’s the larva of beetle Scyphophorus acupunctatus, or larva of the moth Comadia redtenbacheri from the Cossidae family of moths. Lovely.

Food and drink quiz questions - woman in Borneo - round the world food questions - cocktails and fried platters in Florida
There’s nothing like al-fresco dining…

Round Four: Inventions

1) Where was the hot sauce Tabasco invented and still produced today?

2) Where was Guinness invented?

3) Where was mayonnaise invented?

4) Where (and how) was the Tarte Tatin invented?

5) How did the croissant end up in France?

6) Where was Portugal’s famous pastel de nata invented?

7) How about marmite? Where was that invented?

8) In which city was currywurst invented?

9) The Indian sweet delicacy mysore pak was invented where?

10) Where does the Nuremberg sausage come from?

Answers: 1) Avery Island, Louisiana, USA. 2) Dublin, Ireland. 3) Mahon in Menorca. 4) Paris. A chef to the king accidentally tipped the apple tart upside down and “invented” a new dish. 5) Marie Antoinette wanted half moon Viennese pastries when she moved to France. They themselves were inspired by the Ottomons and the Islamic Empire. 6) Belem, on the outskirts of Lisbon. 7) Marmite was invented in the UK by a German scientist, Justus von Liebig in 1902. 9) Berlin at the end of WWII. The Germans brought the sausage, the Americans the ketchup and the Brits, via India, the curry powder. 9) In Mysore itself in southern India. It’s one of the best examples of Mysore food. 10) Nuremberg!

Food and drink quiz questions - woman in Borneo - round the world food questions - street food
Food makes everyone smile

Round Five: Techniques & Traditions

1) What do you call the process that uses both dry heat and wet heat?

2) If you cover meat with cornflour, egg white, sesame oil and salt before cooking it, what’s the technique called?

3) If you hear banging and thumping on a Sunday morning in Vienna, according to tradition, what’s going on?

4) If you rock your hips while rolling out dough, you’re following the tradition to make which food?

5) If you find yourself staring through glass and looking for legs, what are you doing?

6) If you find a sixpence in your food, what are you eating?

7) What would you traditionally eat on St David’s Day?

8) If you cook potatoes in salt until they are wrinkly, what have you made?

9) In (hopefully outdated) Bajan tradition, what can a man do if he finds lumps in his cou cou?

10) Which Malaysian recipe was invented by pirates hiding from the shore?

Answers: 1) Braising 2) Velveting 3) People are thumping their meat to prepare their Weiner Schnitzel 4) Pasta. This was a top tip at the Casa Artusi Italian cooking school. The idea is to transfer your body weight to ease the tiredness in your arms.  5) Wine tasting. You’re looking for the patterns that wine makes on the inside of the glass to get an idea of its sugar and alcohol content. 6) Christmas pudding in Britain. Traditionally, a sixpence is added to the recipe and brings good luck to whoever finds it in their portion. 7) Cawl and Welsh cakes. Cawl is a kind of lamb stew and both are traditional Welsh food. St David is the patron saint of Wales and the day is March 1st. 8) Patatas arrugadas or papas arrugadas. Find the full story here. 9) Throw his wife out of the house. Find the story of cou cou in Barbados here. 10) Daeng Masak Timbul. Learn the story of this easy Malaysian recipe here.

Food and drink quiz questions - woman in Borneo - round the world food questions - elegant pastel de nata platter with ice cream and pancakes
Are you sweet or savoury?

Round Six: The Numbers Round

For this part of the world food quiz, we’re looking to see what’s the number required to complete the sentence. If you’re using these as pub quiz questions, then the quizmaster decides how close the answer has to be!

1) Charles de Gaulle famously said “How can you govern a country with xx types of cheese?”

2) How many types of rice are there?

3) How many bottles of tomato ketchup do Heinz produce each day?

4) How many types of pasta can you find in Italy?

5) How many burgers do McDonalds sell a second?

6) How many types of potato are there in the world?

7) How many servings of CocaCola are drunk every day?

8) Which country produces around half the olive oil in the world?

9) Which country drinks the most coffee in the world?

10) How about alcohol? Which country drinks the most alcohol in the world?

Answers: 1) 246 2) 40 000 3) 1.8 million 4) There are an estimated 350 different types of pasta in Italy.  5) 75 6) Around 4000. 7) 1.9 billion in over 200 countries. 8) Spain, in particular Andalusia. 9) Finland. 10) Belarus with an estimated 14.4 litres per year.

Food and drink quiz questions - woman in Borneo - round the world food questions - summer platter in Greece
Are you a seafood expert?

Round Seven: Strong Flavours

1) Decapitated salted herring that you eat in one go is a delicacy where?

2) How old is the oldest chocolateria in Madrid? When did it open?

3) Kalamata, Liguria and Tsunati are all types of…?

4) What is La Gilda in the Basque country?

5) What nickname do percebes have in Galicia?

6) How many wineries are there in the Rioja region?

7) Which part of Italy does limoncello come from?

8) What is chawanmushi?

9) How about laverbread? What is it made from?

10) Do people really eat guinea pigs in Peru?

Answers: 1) The Netherlands, particularly at the coast. 2) San Gines opened in 1894. It specialises in churros y chocolate. 3) Olive. 4) A pintxos (a kind of tapas) made from olives, gherkins and anchovies on a cocktail stick. Its fiery, salty nature earned it the Gilda nickname for the racy Rita Heyworth movie created during the censorship of Franco’s regime. 5) Dinosaur’s claw – they’re other worldly looking barnacles and a very popular seafood dish. 6) Around 500. 7) The Amalfi Coast in the south. 8) A traditional Japanese breakfast made from egg custard, salt, soy, fish and mushrooms. 9) It’s a traditional Welsh food made from boiled seaweed. 10) Yes, it’s a delicacy. The guinea pigs are often served whole with claws intact.

Food and drink quiz questions - woman in Borneo - round the world food questions - prawn saganaki and tomato salad in Greece
Food is a family affair

Round Eight: Summer Food and Drink Quiz Questions

1) What do you traditionally eat at Wimbledon?

2) Key, kaffir and finger are all types of which food?

3) How many seeds does the average strawberry have?

4) Which is the odd one out?  Loganberries, bilberries, silberries and boysenberries?

5) Which six fruits typically make up “summer fruit?”

6) Which country produces the most ice cream?

7) Which is the most popular flavour of ice cream in the US?

8) Which is the most popular salad dressing in the US?

9) What does al fresco actually mean in Italian?

10) How many BBQs take place in the UK each year? (Give or take ;-) )

Answers: 1) Strawberries and cream 2) lime 3) 200 4) Silberries. I made it up. The others are real. 5) Blackberries, black currants, red currants, raspberries and strawberries. 6) China. It produces an estimated 4.3 billion litres each year. 7) Chocolate. 8) Ranch dressing. 9) In the cold. Or in prison (!) 10) 130 million.

Food and drink quiz questions - woman in Borneo - round the world food questions - the ice bar in Sweden
Drinking in an igloo – yes please!

Round Nine: Winter Food and Drink Quiz Questions

1) Which vegetable is traditionally eaten for Christmas dinner in the UK?

2) What is eggnog?

3) Which fruit grows in winter in the streets of Seville?

4) Which juice is popular in the Arctic circle?

5) What drink will you be served hot in Japan in the winter?

6) How do you make a traditional hot toddy?

7) How far in advance should you make a Christmas pudding?

8) What do Spaniards traditionally eat at midnight on New Year’s Eve?

9) What snacks get served at ice festivals in Japan?

10) What do the Three Kings throw onto the streets in Spain for the Reyes Magos?

Answers: 1) Brussel sprouts 2) Whipped eggs, cream, sugar, milk (and booze.) 3) Oranges. 4) Lingonberry juice. 5) Sake. 6) Whisky, lemon juice, honey, hot water and a stick of cinnamon. 7) Six weeks. 8) Grapes. One for each chime of midnight. 9) Hot octopus 10) Sweets or caramelos.

Food and drink quiz questions - woman in Borneo - round the world food questions - Austrian delicacy platter
A platter of Austrian delicacies

Round Ten: Around the World

1) How do you pronounce roisbos tea?

2) What does Boerewors mean and where would you find it?

3) What ingredients would you find in kaya jam?

4) You can have breakfast with cloudberry jam in Helsinki. True or false?

5) What’s a traditional breakfast in the Maldives?

6) What is Manuk Tinapah in Borneo?

7) Darwin, Australia, holds a yearly regatta where boats are made from which drink container?

8) What kind of drink is a Nanyan spring tieguanyin?

9) The herbal drink black balsam comes from where?

10) What does black gold refer to in Styrian Austria?

Answers: 1) Roy- bosh 2) It’s a farmer’s sausage, grilled on BBQs in a giant snail like spiral across southern Africa. 3) Eggs, coconut and pandan leaves. It’s commonly served for breakfast in Singapore. 4) True. It’s a popular jam there, along with lingonberries. 5) Mas huni, finely chopped onion, tuna and chilli with lightly grated coconut. 6) Barbecued chicken. It’s a fantastic Borneo recipe you can easily make at home. 7) Beer cans. The beer can regatta takes place every year. 8) A floral tea you can find in Hong Kong. 9) Riga in Latvia. 10) Pumpkin oil.

What’s Your Food and Drink Trivia Score?

So, how did you get on in this online food quiz? And are there any food and drink quiz questions you want to ask me?

I hope you had fun, learned loads and that we’ll get to travel and eat together again soon.

Cheers, Abi

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